EOTEC begins rebranding

By on Friday, August 18th, 2023 in Columbia Basin News More Top Stories

HERMISTON – The Hermiston City Council has given the green light to the Eastern Oregon Trade and Event Center’s rebranding. Assistant City Manager Mark Morgan says the council approved going ahead with new graphics earlier this week.

Morgan said that EOTEC’s name doesn’t really point to its location. The new design (shown here) incorporates the butte and the sun which are more like the city’s logo.

“This branding part is kind of the first step of potential name changing, getting the logo in line with the city of Hermiston’s logo,” he said.

One current problem that both the city and EOTEC staff have noticed is the name as it is now, doesn’t really indicate its location.

“If you’re looking to put a large event on Eastern Oregon Trade and Event Center doesn’t really mean a whole lot to you,” he said. “It could be in Burns or John Day.”

He said the name is also confusing to people who live in the area.

“One of the things we run into is confusion with Eastern Oregon Telecom,” he said. “Frankly, they get relatively frequent phone calls at EOTEC about internet service.”