Staying Safe on the Road: Essential Driving Tips for Hot Weather & Extreme Fire Conditions

By on Wednesday, August 16th, 2023 in More Top Stories Northeastern Oregon News

NORTHEAST OREGON — As summer temperatures soar, drivers are reminded to prioritize safety on the roads by following crucial driving tips to navigate the challenges posed by hot weather, especially during extreme fire danger.

During wildfire season, check your vehicle and be aware while traveling. Make sure your car has been recently serviced before traveling. A faulty part or dragging tow chains can send a spark into the dry grass and potentially start a roadside fire. Also, be sure not to park over dry grass. The heat from the undercarriage of the car could smolder the fuels beneath.

Be aware of fire danger warnings the Oregon Department of Transportation posts while you drive.

Besides the dangers of fire, there are other precautions you should take before hitting the road in extreme heat:

1. Hydrate and Stay Cool: Before hitting the road, ensure you are well-hydrated and dressed comfortably. The heat can be taxing on the body, so have water within reach and use air conditioning to maintain a comfortable temperature inside the vehicle.

2. Check Your Vehicle: Extreme heat can strain your vehicle’s systems. Regularly inspect the cooling system, including the radiator and coolant levels, to prevent overheating. Ensure your tires are properly inflated and brakes are in good condition for optimal control.

3. Plan Ahead: Plan your routes in advance to avoid heavy traffic and road work during peak heat hours. Excessive idling in traffic can lead to overheating, and being stuck in traffic for prolonged periods can increase stress on both the vehicle and driver.

4. Sun Protection: Sun glare can impair visibility, so keep a pair of sunglasses handy. Additionally, use sunshades on your windshield to reduce the interior temperature when parked.

5. Maintain Safe Following Distance: Hot weather can increase the likelihood of sudden braking due to factors like tire blowouts. Maintain a safe following distance to allow ample reaction time and prevent rear-end collisions.

6. Be Mindful of Tire Blowouts: High temperatures can lead to tire blowouts. Check tire pressure regularly and ensure your tires are not worn out. Avoid overloading your vehicle, as excess weight can further stress the tires.

7. Keep Emergency Supplies: Prepare an emergency kit that includes water, non-perishable snacks, a first-aid kit, a flashlight, and basic tools. In case of unexpected breakdowns, these supplies can be invaluable while waiting for assistance.

8. Watch for Pedestrians and Cyclists: Summer weather often brings out pedestrians and cyclists. Stay vigilant, especially around parks, recreational areas, and urban centers, and be prepared for sudden crossings.

9. Stay Informed: Monitor weather forecasts before embarking on a journey. Sudden storms or extreme weather conditions can significantly impact road safety.

10. Avoid Distracted Driving: With the heat and potential discomfort, it’s crucial to remain focused on the road. Avoid distractions such as texting, eating, or adjusting the radio, as they can contribute to accidents.

As summer continues, adhering to these driving safety tips can make a significant difference in preventing accidents and ensuring a smoother journey for all road users. Prioritizing safety during hot weather conditions is a responsible and essential approach for every driver.