Lethal Removal Permit Approved for Wallowa County Wolf Pack

By on Wednesday, August 16th, 2023 in More Top Stories Northeastern Oregon News

WALLOWA COUNTY — (Release by the Oregon Dept. of Fish and Wildlife) ODFW has authorized lethal removal of chronically depredating wolves from the Wildcat Pack in Wallowa County.  

Two producers requested lethal removal after three confirmed depredations in three months in the AKWA (Areas of Known Wolf Activity), the most recent confirmed Aug. 5. 

The permit allows the removal of up to two wolves on private land pastures by the permit holder’s agent (USDA Wildlife Services). The producers impacted have been using range-riders since cattle were turned out in early June, fixed wing surveillance flights monitoring cattle behavior, and moving cattle outside of normal pasture rotations to avoid wolf conflict. All Wolf Plan rules regarding lethal removal permits are in effect for this permit, including that ODFW did not identify any wolf attractants on the properties.

 The permit is only valid in the private lands pastures where lawfully occupying cattle are present and expires Oct. 31. Another update about the permit will be posted if the two wolves are removed, after Oct. 31 if less than two wolves are removed, or the permit is extended. The Wildcat Pack is currently estimated to number five wolves.

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