Cove High School Student Takes Part in National Youth Leadership Forum

COVE – (Release from WorldStrides) This summer, Hannah Robbins from Cove Oregon joined outstanding high school students from across the nation to take part in a unique academic and career-oriented development experience, The National Youth Leadership Forum: Law/CSI in Washington D.C.

The National Youth Leadership Forum Law/CSI is one of the Envision by WorldStrides family of programs ( that enable students to explore their interests and experience learning beyond the classroom.

Hannah was nominated by one of her teachers to attend this national forum. Hannah is a member of the high school student council and is active in sports. She plays both Volleyball and Softball. Hannah is passionate about becoming a Criminal Profiler in the future. She enjoyed getting to be part of mock trials and even got the opportunity to investigate a mock crime scene. This was a life changing experience for Hannah. This forum gave her insight to what her future holds.