Wallowa-Whitman Officials Re-Open Pittsburg Landing Campground

JOSEPH, OR (7/13/2023) — The Wallowa-Whitman National Forest announced today that Pittsburg Landing Campground will re-open on Friday, July 14th after having been closed since June 28th.

The campground was closed due to increasing conflict between visitors and an adult bear that had become habituated to human food, explains Sweyn Wall, Recreation Manager for the Hells Canyon Recreation Area.

 “Our crews have been closely monitoring this situation,” said Wall. “It’s been several weeks since the bear was last seen near people. It has been observed eating natural food sources, which is a good sign.”

In an effort to balance visitor and wildlife safety with recreation access, the Forest is also requiring proper food storage in the Pittsburg Landing area. Visitors to the area will need to store and utilize food items and other attractants in a “bear-resistant manner”.

This requirement is intended to reduce human/wildlife conflicts resulting from readily available food sources and other attractants, explains Jamey Basye, Hells Canyon National Recreation Area Deputy District Ranger.

“Proper storage of food, trash, and other attractants is an important component of our decision to re-open Pittsburg Landing Campground,” said Basye. “Minimizing readily accessible food sources for wildlife will help reduce some of the safety concerns that led to the campground closure in June.”

Bears, mountain lions, and other wildlife who begin to associate people with easy food sources can potentially become dangerous. These food-conditioned animals often can’t be scared away or successfully relocated to other areas. They will continue to return to areas occupied by humans in search of food, which creates concerns over human safety, and ultimately can result in the animal being euthanized.

A copy of the food storage guidelines can be found at: https://www.fs.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_DOCUMENTS/FSEPRD1121510.pdf