Traffic delays and power shutoffs for giant shipping load

LONG CREEK/JOHN DAY/BURNS โ€“ Weโ€™ve been learning about an extremely wide and tall load coming through Grant County. Oxbo Mega Transport Solutions are hauling giant parts of a boiler. Currently theyโ€™re parked along the route, just north of Long Creek and expect to make a slow roll to Mt. Vernon on the night of Monday, June 19th.  They will be traveling from a half an hour after sunset, until approximately a half-hour before sunriseโ€”and going slow. ODOT Region 5โ€™s Public Affairs Specialist Vicki Moles shares what we can expect when itโ€™s on the road:

โ€œWe do have pilot cars before and after, just to kind of get a sense of traffic. There are identified pull-off spots along the wayโ€ฆ

One report from one of the first nights [said] they traveled an average speed of 2.3 miles-an-hour. That included their stops. They made it a total of 16.1 miles.โ€

As the load makes it way down the highway, Oregon Trail Electric Cooperative will be doing temporary power shutoffs as the lines will be manipulated to pass underneath. This will occur between June 19th and the 22nd.

An anticipated travel schedule was shared with our newsroom:

Estimated ProgressMilesWires
June 19-20US395B MP 81.7 (Long Creek) to US26 MP 156.7 (Mount Vernon)4253
June 20-21to US395C MP 0.5 (John Day)649
June 21-22To US395C MP 42.3 (Trout Creek)4249
June 22-23To OR78 MP 16.9 (Lawen)4244
June 23-24to OR78 MP 91 (Burns Junction)7453
June 24-25On-Hold for Utility Availability00
June 25-26To ID Border6640

Find a previous story regarding the large shipment here: