Active prescribed burn near Bear Valley

SENECA – According to the Malheur National Forest’s active online map regarding prescribed burning, the agency is or has very recently conducted burning in the Damon N 6 and N 2A Units. Find information below found on the Malheur National Forest’s website:

(From the Malheur National Forest’s active online prescribed fire map)

Prescribed Fire Unit: Damon N 6

Damon N 6 is on lands managed by the Malheur National Forest Blue Mountain Ranger District, it is approximately 717.00 acres.
The current status is Active – Unit is planned to be burned shortly, is currently being burned, or was burned very recently.  
For more information contact: Ricky Snodgrass at 541-575-3000 or 

Prescribed Fire Unit: Damon N 2A

Damon N 2A is on lands managed by the Malheur National Forest Blue Mountain Ranger District, it is approximately 533.00 acres.
The current status is Active – Unit is planned to be burned shortly, is currently being burned, or was burned very recently.  
For more information contact: Ricky Snodgrass at 541-575-3000 or 

Find the map link below: