Gettman Road land acquisition begins

By on Thursday, May 11th, 2023 in Columbia Basin News More Top Stories

HERMISTON – The Hermiston City Council has asked city staff to hire experts to negotiate land purchases as the plan to extend Gettman Road to Highway 395 moves forward. Assistant City Manager Mark Morgan says the first phase will require property be purchased from five owners who have been notified.

“They all received certified overnight mail on Tuesday last week outlining the entire process and what their rights are,” Morgan said.

In order to clear the way for the project, the council had to declare the Gettman Road extension project as being essential for the economic well-being, public health, safety and welfare of the city and the public. The project establishes a new public road connection in the southern half of the city between Highway 207 and Highway 395.

The city can now hire appraisers, negotiators, and other consultants to assist in acquiring the needed property. It also authorizes staff to take appropriate legal action, if necessary, in order to obtain the necessary property in exchange for compensation determined through legal proceedings. Anderson Perry Engineering and Epic Land Solutions, the city’s consultants, have been instructed to begin the negotiations in earnest with the five property owners.

Graphic from the city of Hermiston