Eastern Oregon Fire Departments Receive Funds for New Firefighters

LA GRANDE & BAKER CITY – (Information from the Oregon State Fire Marshal) The Oregon State Fire Marshal has announced that, as part of the 2023 Oregon Fire Service Capacity Program, multiplSTATEWIDEies across the state will receiving funds for new firefighters and fire prevention staff. The Eastern Oregon recipients and the number of new staff they’ve been funded for are as follows:

  • La Grande Fire Department
    • 1 new firefighter
  • Baker rural Fire Protection District
    • 1 new firefighter
    • 1 new fire prevention staff member
  • Vale Fire and Ambulance
    • 2 new firefighters
  • Burns Fire Department
    • One new firefighter

In total, $13.5 million dollars are being distributed to 33 small and local fire agencies across the state, accounting for a total of 53 new fire fighters and fire prevention staff during the next three years. As described by the Oregon State Fire Marshal: 

“The goal of this grant is to provide small- to medium-sized Oregon fire agencies with resources to boost firefighting and fire prevention staffing over the next three years. These agencies protect Oregon communities and play a pivotal role in wildfire prevention and suppression. Taking a two-pronged approach, this investment will increase firefighter capacity in the Oregon Fire Mutual Aid System (OFMAS). The additional prevention staff will be an added resource for communities and property owners to assess and help guide Oregonians with defensible space.”