ODF responds to escaped burn piles

NORTHEAST OREGON – Crews throughout the Northeast Oregon District of the Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF) have responded to multiple escaped burn piles already this spring. 

La Grande Forest Officer, Cody Kingsbury, cautions “With above normal temperatures and below normal precipitation forecasted for May, June, and July, we ask landowners to be extra mindful when they decide to burn yard debris, trash, etc. this Spring.”

According to information provided by ODF, “Currently, we are in “pre-green-up” over much of the district. Trees, grass, and shrubs that may be alive, still have low moisture content due to seasonal dormancy. Seasonal dormancy results in an increased ability of green vegetation to carry fire. In addition to low live fuel moisture content, the dried and decadent fuels from last season remain and are typically light and flashy lending to fire carrying easily over the landscape. Once the “green up phase” begins, live fuels will contain more moisture again and the live (green) vegetation will be much more resistant to fire spread, until summer weather dries fuels and fire season begins, usually around July.

Learn more about the Department of Forestry-Northeast Oregon District on their Facebook page at Oregon Department of Forestry – Northeast Oregon District | Facebook