Applications for DEQ 2023 Grant Funds to Replace and Retrofit Diesel Equipment

EASTERN OREGON – (Release from the Department of Environmental Quality) The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality is providing approximately $8 million in grant funding for diesel equipment owners to replace older and more polluting diesel engines with new, cleaner technologies and exhaust control retrofits. The Diesel Emissions Mitigation Grants Program is designed to help address health and environmental impacts from diesel emissions in Oregon.

Business, government and tribal diesel equipment owners across the state are invited to apply for funding for projects that reduce diesel emissions. Visit the DEQ Diesel Emissions Mitigation Grants program web page to:

Owners of medium- and heavy-duty vehicles requiring retrofits under DEQ’s Diesel Retrofit Compliance Program may also apply for funding to support the installation of diesel particulate filters.The 2023 application is the only opportunity this year to apply for a Diesel Emissions Mitigation Grant. Award recipients can apply for additional funds in subsequent years.