Prairie City to hold public hearing this Wednesday

PRAIRIE CITY – The City of Prairie City is planning on vacating a little property on account of unusually large street rights-of-way. Prairie City Mayor Scott Officer reminds our listeners that the public hearing on that action is scheduled for this Wednesday:

“We’ve had that advertised now, and the public hearing will be this Wednesday.

Narrowing up the right-of-ways right there; all of our north-south stuff is 100-foot right-of-ways, and our east-west are 80-foot right-of-ways for two lanes of pavement.

We run into issues with people’s yard fences are out on City property, and it’s just been that way forever.”

The meeting begins at 6 p.m. on Wednesday March 8th at the City Hall in Prairie City.

Listen to the full Coffee Time episode with Mayor Officer here: