City hears museum proposal

By on Wednesday, February 15th, 2023 in Columbia Basin News More Top Stories

HERMISTON – The Hermiston Historical and Cultural Society has begun discussions about how the city might support a museum in the Carnegie Library. Assistant City Manager Mark Morgan said the idea has a great deal of support.

“It’s a matter of thinking it through a little bit more as far as what the city’s role is and how the city can come alongside and partner with this group to make it a valuable asset,” Morgan said.

Until the Hermiston City Hall was completed, municipal offices were in the library. Morgan said that since the city has moved that space would make a good home for the museum.

Former Umatilla County Commissioner Dennis Doherty presented the group’s plans to the council earlier this week. Morgan said the group seems to be well organized and the idea of a museum telling the history of Hermiston could be a good asset downtown.

Morgan said the main ask from the group at this time is the city partner with them in establishing the Carnegie Library’s long-term use as a home for the historical society and museum.

“The message was warmly received by the city council,” Morgan said. “I don’t think that there’s anybody who’s overtly opposed to heading down this path. I think the city really views something like a museum in the downtown core as being a great asset. Hermiston doesn’t have much in the way of overt tourism, but we do get a lot of people in town who are coming to tournaments. Having something downtown like a museum, I think, will benefit all the downtown businesses.”