Malheur County Sheriff Wolfe issues statement on his involvement with BM 114 lawsuit

By on Monday, December 5th, 2022 in More Top Stories Northeastern Oregon News

EASTERN OREGON– Malheur County Sheriff Brian Wolfe has made a statement regarding his involvement in a lawsuit against Oregon Governor Kate Brown and Oregon Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum, challenging the constitutionality of Ballot Measure 114.

Ballot Measure 114 was passed into law on November 8, 2022, and bans the use, possession, manufacturing, and transfer of ammunition magazines over 10-rounds.

The following was released by Sheriff Wolfe

Among other noted plaintiff’s challenging the constitutionality of Ballot Measure 114, Oregon’s gun control law is Union County Sheriff Cody Bowen.In a story we bought you early this week on this lawsuit it was noted that since the measure passed, there has been a 500 percent surge in gun sales and the Oregon State Police is attempting to clog a backlog of 27,000 background checks. While both the Oregon State Sheriffs Association and the Oregon Association of Chiefs of Police say they will work with OSP to try and expedite background checks, they have stated that enforcing the requirement that magazines hold no more than 10 rounds of ammunition would be difficult if not impossible.