Free Driver Ed for Teens in Foster Care

By on Monday, November 28th, 2022 in More Top Stories Northeastern Oregon News

EASTERN OREGON – The Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) offers teens in Foster Care, free Driver Ed classes. 

According to ODOT, if you are a youth in Oregon Department of Human Services (ODHS) care and custody, then Driver Ed is free for you.  This program is a collaborative effort between ODOT and ODHS that will pay the students tuition portion of the driver education classes. 

Teens can pick any approved provider and caseworkers will make the arrangements.

Why Driver Ed?

•Teens who completed the ODOT approved Driver Ed course have a 21% lower crash rate than teens who don’t.

•Teens who take Driver Ed have a 57% lower rate of traffic convictions and can save up to 15% on car insurance

•Teens who complete an ODOT approved Driver Ed course get to waive the Oregon DMV driver test to get their license.

For more information about driver ed in Oregon or to find an ODOT-approved provider, go to