By Garrett Christensen on Monday, October 24th, 2022 in More Top Stories Northeastern Oregon News
JOSEPH – (Information from the Wallowa Land Trust) The Wallowa Land Trust, in collaboration with the Wallowa Lake Moraines Partnership, is seeking public feedback on recreation rates for the East Moraine Community Forest. The Trust is building a picture of how many and what kind of visitors use the East Moraine and what impacts the public presence may have on the local eco system.
The trust is holding a survey which asks participants to describe the types and numbers of other visitors they encountered during their most recent visit. Specific questions include how large the participants party was, number of cars in the parking area, number of people on the rail if dogs, horses, or bicycles were present and if any issues such as litter or disturbance of wildlife were noticed. The survey will remain open until June 30, 2022 and can be found at Data Collection for the EMCF (