By Mindy Gould on Thursday, September 1st, 2022 in Eastern/Southeast Oregon News Eastern/Southeast Oregon Top Stories
Burns, Or-Main Street Task Force is a group of business and building owners, along with interested citizens, whose aim is to create a live-able, play-able and work-able downtown. The 2023 Grant Cycle is now open and they are seeking applications for the Main Street Revitalization Grant.
Burns Main Street Task Force brings together local, residents, property owners, and business owners to work to improve our community by developing our main street to its maximum potential for residents and visitors to Harney County. The process is built around the concept of economic development within the context of historic preservation.
the purpose of the Main Street Revitalization Grant is to acquire, rehabilitate, and construct buildings along North Broadway, between Monroe and D Street. The grant my be awarded for amounts up to $200,000.
Perspective applicants will need to present their project to the Main Street Task Force on September 26 at 7 pm. Projects will be reviewed based on several factors:
Knowledge about the origin and history of the building. Quality of the work plan and an organized, clear end goal.
How their end goal meets the goals and objectives of Main Street Task Force.
A clear and succinct outline for how matching funds will be acquired and applied.
Main Street Task Force will select the project that most aligns with their vision and approves the application process to the state.
Interested applicants are strongly encouraged to email the Main Street Task Force for more information on the grant and selection process at
Main Street Task Force is a group of business and building owners, along
with interested citizens, whose aim it is to create a live- able, play-able, and
work-able downtown. The 2023 Grant Cycle is now open and they are
seeking applicants for the Main Street Revitalization Grant.