By Mindy Gould on Tuesday, June 28th, 2022 in Eastern/Southeast Oregon News Eastern/Southeast Oregon Top Stories
Harney County, Or-Harney County Health Department has added a new member to their team. Alex Jones has become the new Harney County Health Department Direct as of the first of July.
While on Harney County Live Alex Jones, introduced himself to the community and what he would like to accomplish while being the new director. Alex would like to make the community know that Public Health is here to help anyone. He would like to bring awareness to everyone what they all have to offer from, WICC classes, to helping people enroll in OHP, Vaccination Clinics, Syringe Program, etc.
Here is a message from Alex Jones, Harney County Health Department Director, “We are so proud of the accomplishments made by our small but effective health department. Harney County Public Health Department is home of some the most dedicated group of individuals working hard to make Harney County communities safe and healthy.
As Public Health Director, I am excited about the opportunity to improve on the lives of people living in Harney County. I am steadfast, in my goal, to establish a trusting relationship between local public health and the residents within the towns and surrounding areas. Only when we are working together will we be able to realize our vision towards healthy people in health communities.
The mission of out health department is to work in partnership with the community to ensure the optimal health and wee-being of all people. We are committed to collaborating with medial services providers, County departments, City agencies, community-based organizations, schools, civic groups, foundations, religious organizations, families to address myriad health and safety issues impacting individual and populations in our county.”
To listen to the entire interview click on this link,, and click on Alex Jones Harney County Health Department Director.