City of La Grande Parks and Rec awarded grant for Educational Outreach Program

LA GRANDE – The Oregon Department of Transportation has announced a number of grants that were awarded through three different funding tiers that will encourage and education students, parents and other community members on safe ways to get to school.  This is all part of their larger Safe Routes to School (SRTS) program. 

Among the recipients of Education Grants is the City of La Grande Parks and Recreation. 

The follow was information provided by ODOT 

“City of La Grande, Parks and Recreation 

Budget- $100,000 

In 2019 the City of La Grande launched a non-infrastructure educational outreach program in our community. The SRTS Program started as a means to begin educating our students at 3 target schools and their families about bike/ped safety while working to build a safer infrastructure around our schools. Now that the program is established, we need to work on the problems mentioned in the problem statement. The coordinator will start by integrating curriculum into the schools in person and by providing curriculum that teachers can use. This will be done by introducing beginner bicycle riding classes in grades kindergarten through second in a combination class of bike/ped safety. These classes will take place during their regular physical 5 education schedule. The coordinator will also provide teachers in all grades curriculum guides from Oregon Safe Routes to School. The coordinator will also develop a plan for alternative drop and walk areas to make it safer around our schools. The coordinator will boost volunteer recruitment to implement programs like the walking school bus that would also increase volunteerism and the sustainability of bike/ped safety.