City delays LID assessment

By on Wednesday, March 30th, 2022 in Columbia Basin News More Top Stories

HERMISTON – The Hermiston City Council has tabled the local improvement district assessment for the South Hermiston Industrial Park. Assistant City Manager Mark Morgan said the council wants to save the property owners some money.

“What the council directed staff to do was add in an additional $250,000 contribution from the city to buy that price for all the property owners down even further to $697,000,” Morgan said.

Without the pending council contribution, the assessment would have totaled $947,000.

“This is a good news situation,” Morgan said. “We were able to get our final costs to come in well under the original cost estimate.”

Once the assessment is rewritten to include the additional money from the city, it should be on the agenda for the April 11 meeting.

On the lighter side, Morgan said there was a first for the city council at the Monday meeting. It was City Recorder Lilly Alarcon-Strong’s birthday and she was serenaded with “Happy Birthday to You.” Morgan said he has never before heard the council sing at a meeting.