Wood stove program helps clear the air

By on Thursday, March 3rd, 2022 in Columbia Basin News More Top Stories

PENDLETON – The Pendleton City Council heard the annual report from the volunteers that are on the Pendleton Air Quality Commission, and City Manager Robb Corbett was impressed. He said the commission was formed in the 1990s to address air pollution problems that mainly stemmed from wood-burning stoves.

The commission instituted a loan program to help people replace wood-burning stoves that were no longer up to code. Corbett said it’s made a big difference.

“We’ve consistently been under the required thresholds by Oregon DEQ,” he said. “The city has loaned out funds for 194 stoves total.”

That’s not all the commission has done. Corbett said the group has established a program in city schools regarding air pollution and has also instituted the leaf pickup program, to cut down on smoke from leaves being burned.

“Hats off to that group,” Corbett said. “They’ve been very active and continue to help us breathe clean air here in Pendleton.”

More information on the wood stove no-interest loan program is at https://pendleton.or.us/publicworks/page/wood-stove-replacement-program-summary