Truckers convoy made its way through Eastern Oregon this morning

By on Wednesday, March 2nd, 2022 in More Top Stories

LA GRANDE – The Truckers Convoy that made its way through Eastern Oregon today was received with cheers and honking as they passed through the area. Supporters of the convoy set up along the roadside on I-84 as well as at overpasses holding signs and waving flags as a show of support.

The convoy is part of a larger nationwide demonstration protesting mandates related to COVID-19.

North Powder
North Powder
North Powder
La Grande
La Grande
Baker City

Some citizens are not in support of the protest. A post on our Elkhorn Media Group #ConvoyForFreedom2022 for paying attention and standing up for our freedoms peacefully and with pride ! Showing the world , it only takes one to start to move mountains ! ❤️❤️❤️#ConvoytoDC2022#truckersfreedomconvoy2022#noforcedvax#OurRevolution#holdtheline

•”Roll on truckers 🇺🇲🇨🇦🇺🇲

•”Thanks for spending your own time and money to fight for everyone’s freedom. Even the ones that are too ignorant to realize it.”

To read all comments both for and against the convoy you can log on to our Facebook page.