Response from BSD on OHA update on indoor face covering rules announcement

BAKER COUNTY – (From the Baker School District) The Oregon Health Authority (OHA) and the Oregon Department of Education (ODE) announced a future update to statewide and K-12 indoor face covering rules that will lift the currentmask rule beginning March 31, 2022.

According to the announcement: “As of March 31, the decision to require universal masking in school settings will rest with decision makers in school districts, charter schools, private schools, and local public health authorities. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), OHA, and ODE continue to strongly advise the use of face coverings in schools in order to reduce the spread of COVID-19 and minimize the impact of quarantine through the school year. Masks are required on public transportation, which includes school buses, until lifted by the federal government and cannot bewaived by state or local authorities.”

A decision to remove a mask requirement for local schools would result in expanded contact tracing and quarantinesaccording to the announcement. Test to Stay could no longer be used.

District leadership will be meeting with representatives from the local health department to fully understand the new guidelines; and more information will be shared in the coming weeks, well ahead of March 31.“We really appreciate this opportunity to make decisions at the local level that we feel are best for our students, staff, andfamilies,” said Superintendent Mark Witty.