Senior and disabled taxi program lost riders in 2021

By on Tuesday, February 8th, 2022 in Columbia Basin News More Top Stories

HERMISTON – Ridership for Hermiston’s Senior & Disabled Taxi Program declined in 2021. Meanwhile Workforce On-Demand Ride Cooperative saw a slight increase in its second year of operation.

The Senior & Disabled Taxi Program provides service for eligible Hermiston residents to locations within the city limits. Between 2017 and 2019, the program averaged 18,000 to 20,000 rides a year. In 2021 it provided 12,191 rides. The service is primarily used for trips to medical appointments, shopping, events, and gatherings.

“The past couple of years have disrupted people’s regular routines due to cancelled appointments and events and that seems to be having an impact on how many people are using the taxi service,” Assistant City Manager Mark Morgan said. “We know that routine and familiarity are important in helping people choose to use a public transit option like the taxi service, so we want to help remind folks that this easy and reliable system is here to help.”

Vouchers for the program are $2.50 each and can be purchased at Hermiston City Hall. Those eligible are 60 years or older or have an eligible disability under Social Security, PERS, or other recognized agency.

The WORC program saw some growth. It issued 7,041 vouchers in 2021, 21 more than in its initial year. Sixty two percent of the rides were within Hermiston city limits, with many users getting rides to service and retail workplaces. It offers rides to workplaces in Hermiston, Umatilla, or Stanfield. Pricing is based on the distance between the workplace and the pick-up and drop-off location.

More information about both services, as well as the fixed-route HART bus service is available on the city’s website at