ODF continues their fall prescribed burning across the region

By on Wednesday, November 17th, 2021 in More Top Stories Northeastern Oregon News

LA GRANDE – (Information provided by Oregon Department of Forestry) The calls have been coming in regarding smoke or possible fires in the forested areas of our region.  Fall is here in Eastern Oregon and favorable weather conditions for prescribed and pile burning across the area. Oregon Department of Forestry – Northeast Oregon Districtwill be assisting some of our industrial landowners with their prescribed burn program over the next few weeks. This is a great opportunity to put good fire back into the forest and help to restore forests to healthier conditions, and reduce and remove dense vegetation that contribute to high-intensity wildfires. 

NEO District would like to remind landowners that if you would like to burn your slash piles, you will need to file a smoke management permit (visit your local ODF office) prior to conducting your burn, as well as obtain the smoke management forecast for each day you wish to burn. These forecasts can be obtained at: http://www.odf.state.or.us/…/fire_protection/Daily/neo.htm Call your local ODF office if you have any questions or need assistance with the forecast.

ODF follows The Oregon Smoke Management Plan which seeks to help in the following areas: protect public health, avoid smoke intrusions into designated population areas, maximize burning opportunities while minimizing emissions and protect visibility in wilderness areas by avoiding main smoke plumes. The Smoke Management Permit process is for slash burning only. Homeowners burning yard debris do not need to obtain and ODF Smoke Management Forecast. Landowners who receive fire protection from both ODF and a rural fire department are reminded to follow burn permit rules for both organizations. Additionally, burning within the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation (CTUIR) requires a permit from CTUIR. You must follow all requirements as outlined in the permit.