Veterans showed appreciation for a student-made video

By on Friday, November 12th, 2021 in More Top Stories Northeastern Oregon News

LA GRANDE – The students of the La Grande School District want to thank all that viewed their video Thursday, showing appreciation to all Veterans’.  Music Teachers and students put together a video that was shared on the La Grande School District Facebook page showing students singing and reading essays.  Pre-COVID, the students put on an in-person show that was presented to all.  Students felt this was the next best option to honor the veterans. 

Elkhorn Media Group spoke to some Veterans during the parade Thursday and said they were appreciative of what the young people are doing to show their gratitude, and enjoyed the video immensely.   One Veteran who wanted to be anonymous said, “It brought tears to my eyes when I saw the video with the heartfelt messages the youngsters brought forth to all us Veterans.”