Emergency Management Coordinator talks flood and winter prep

By on Friday, October 29th, 2021 in More Top Stories

GRANT COUNTY – Grant County Emergency Management Coordinator Eric Bush was on KJDY’s Coffee Time yesterday, and identified some potential emergencies we could see in our area during the winter months:

“The biggest one that comes to mind—the most frequent one, is probably your flooding that occurs.

Flooding can happen for a lot of different reasons; just runoff, ice dams, that type of thing. Flooding can cause problems anywhere from just—localized, where it’s running over the road which makes it dangerous to pass over, to some significant flooding that maybe floods houses or homes or that type of thing.”

Flood and other emergency mitigation resources are available on the Grant County Emergency Management web page, found on grantcountyoregon.net. Also, follow Grant County Emergency Management on Facebook for updates with local preparedness information.