Mooney: Summer program will grow

By on Friday, June 25th, 2021 in Columbia Basin News More Top Stories

HERMISTON – The Hermiston School District has more than 600 elementary school students taking part in a host of summer activities in addition to academics. There are music activities, swimming lessons, and sports camps that involve the high school students.

“We have kids that are really excited to be going over to the high school and be in the gym with the varsity kids,” Superintendent Tricia Mooney said.

They also offer after-school care partnering with Champions.

“At the end of what would be the academic day, Champions is providing childcare until 7 in the evening for the families who need that,” Mooney said. “For our students that need it, it’s an opportunity to get breakfast, lunch and dinner at school and provide some structured activities that are busy working this time of the year.”

Mooney believes the ambitious summer program is here to stay.

“I know that being able to use this year as a jumping point and look at our student investment account dollars, I definitely see this program growing in the future,” she said.

Photo via the Hermiston School District