Tollgate Highway is scheduled to be completed in September

By on Wednesday, June 23rd, 2021 in More Top Stories Northeastern Oregon News

ELGIN – The Oregon Department of Transportation has begun work on Oregon Highway 204 from milepost 20.8 near Tollgate to milepost 40.25 near Elgin. Delays as long as 20 minutes are anticipated.

The work zone will be manned with flaggers and pilot cars. Work is scheduled to occur on weekdays from 7 a.m. through 5 p.m. The paving work should be completed by early September.

This project also includes chip sealing the Morning Creek, Woodland, And Andie’s Prairie U.S. Forest Service sno-parks, which will run from late July into early August. During chip sealing, the parks will be closed to the public.

This is just one of dozens of active ODOT projects in Eastern Oregon. Others that begin this week are pavement patching on the Wallowa Lake Highway from Spring Creek to east of Lostine from Wednesday through Saturday; and resurfacing state Highway 237 for three miles southwest of Union for about a week. ODOT urges motorists to be alert when driving through work zones.