Staff with proof of vaccine granted leniency regarding masks

BAKER CITY – (Information provided by the Baker School District) Baker School District will follow current RSSL guidance and allow staff members who have provided a copy of their COVID-19 vaccination card to Cathy Martin as proof that they are fully vaccinated to stop wearing a face covering or physically distance, unless students are present indoors.

When students are present indoors, face coverings must be worn at all times and physical distancing must be observed, regardless of vaccination status.

If an individual is not fully vaccinated, they must continue to wear a face covering and physically distance indoors, unless they are alone in a private office.

Regardless of vaccination status, face coverings are not required outdoors. This includes, but is not limited to, PE, recess, and sports, and also applies to spectators at outdoor events.

Latest RSSL: Ready Schools Safe Learners 2020-21 Guidance (

Page 26-30 for 1h. Face Coverings, Face Shields, and Clear Plastic Barriers

“Fully vaccinated staff are not required to wear face coverings or physically distance inside school buildings when students are not present (such as before and after school or on weekends) only when vaccination status is checked by the school in a manner described by OHA in guidance.” 

Interim guidance for those fully vaccinated: OHA 3727 Interim Guidance for Fully Vaccinated Individuals (

If you are fully vaccinated and wish to stop wearing a face covering in school buildings, please provide a copy of your COVID-19 vaccination card to Cathy Martin as soon as possible. Until Cathy has a copy of the card, you must continue to wear a mask and physically distance indoors.

Thank you for all you have done over the course of the current pandemic to follow the additional health and safety protocols that have mitigated the impact of COVID-19 on our school family and larger community.