Baker SD Superintendent announces administrative changes for 21-22 principals

BAKER CITY – Two Baker schools will see new faces in their top principal positions for the 21-22 School Year, Superintendent Mark Witty announced this morning. The administrative changes impact Baker High School and Baker Middle School, along with a directorship position at the District Office. 

Beginning July 1, Greg Mitchell will take over as Director of Federal Programs, Curriculum and Professional Development, a position currently held by Dr. Jodi Thew. Thew was hired for the Federal Programs/Curriculum position last year after serving over a decade as a K-12 principal in Prescott, Washington. 

Dr. Thew will move into the principal position at Baker Middle School, and Skye Flanagan will assume the head position at Baker High School. 

“I’ve missed the opportunity to work closely with kids and staff,” said Thew. “I enjoy interacting with kids every day, being in classrooms, helping solve issues that come up – it keeps you on your toes.” 

“It can be difficult to make adjustments like this,” said Witty. “And we acknowledge there can be an element of disappointment as positions shift. But I’m excited about the opportunity to maximize the strengths and experiences of each leader and I appreciate and respect the sacrifices our leaders are willing to make to better serve the needs of the district.” 

“I’m excited to be taking this step in my career,” said Mitchell. “It’s a natural progression for me after working on several district-wide projects. But I’m also proud of what we’ve accomplished at Baker High School during the past few years: starting the Futures Program, creating a Grad Coach position, and leading the team through the accreditation process. On top of that, I’m proud of the staff for all the hard work they’ve put in to accommodate the changes required by COVID-19. Our students are making gains despite this difficult time.” 

Flanagan has served as Baker Middle School principal since 2017-18. 

“I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my years at Baker Middle School,” said Flanagan. “Working with this staff, our students and parents has been a fantastic experience. But, it’s a great opportunity for me to move into the high school arena. I’m looking forward to collaborating with the staff to provide a great experience for students.” 

Flanagan, Thew, and Mitchell will continue in their current positions through the end of the school year. The three administrators have begun working together to outline steps for a smooth transition process. 

About the Baker School District 

Nationally recognized Baker School District 5J (BSD) is a major employer in Baker City, OR, serving 1,700 students locally with an additional 3,000 online students across the state of Oregon. Through enterprising, collaborative endeavors, BSD is creating an innovative educational foundation for future Oregonians. BSD believes strong school collaboration with local partners enables us to create vibrant communities that support lifelong learners.