2025 EEIP small grants available for businesses in Union and Wallowa Counties

By on Tuesday, February 11th, 2025 in More Top Stories Northeastern Oregon News

UNION & WALLOWA COUNTIES โ€“ (Release from the Northeast Oregon Economic Development District) Through Northeast Oregon Economic Development District (NEOEDD), businesses in Union and Wallowa Counties can apply for a small grant funded by Business Oregonโ€™s Economic Equity Investment Program (EEIP). There is $48,000 available for business grants. Learn more about the two-step application process, deadlines, requirements and more by going to: https://www.neoedd.org/2025-eeip-small-grant/.

The EEIP Small Grant Program application period opens February 17 and runs through March 16, 2025. Apply for up to $4000 for existing registered businesses and up to $2000 for new registered businesses or existing businesses that received the EEIP grant in 2024. Grant funds may be used for business assets, working capital and marketing. Funds may not be used to repay debt, for travel, ownerโ€™s salary, or multi-level marketing businesses.

General qualifications include being approved for Reinventing Ruralโ€™s EEIP and participating either in NEOEDDโ€™s free 10-week business planning class, starting February 24th in La Grande and February 25 th in Enterprise, or other business planning classes or assistance. Go to Reinventing Rural to create an account and establish eligibility: https://forms.reinventingrural.com/t/aR6zPWGjrnus.

Once you have been notified that you are eligible for a grant, apply for a grant at: https://www.neoedd.org/2025-eeip-small-grant/.

If you have questions about the EEIP or the Small Grant Program, please get in touch with Chantal Ivenso at chantalivenso@neoedd.org or 541-426-3598 x4.

NEOEDDโ€™s mission is to contribute to a vibrant rural economy by providing consulting, training, financing, referrals and other assistance to business, entrepreneurs, local governments and non-profit organizations in Northeast Oregon. Learn more about our programs and business support at www.neoedd.org.