2 additional Confirmed Wolf Depredations and Lethal Removal in Northeast Oregon

By on Wednesday, February 15th, 2023 in More Top Stories Northeastern Oregon News

UNION COUNTY – (Information from the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife) Since their previous release on February 3, ODFW has confirmed two additional wolf depredations and one lethal removal.

The first depredation took place on private land near the Zumwalt Prairie of Wallowa County and resulted in one dead cow and one injured calf. The incident was investigated on February 8 and has not been attributed to a specific pack as of February 14. 

The second depredation took place on private land near the High Valley area of Union County and resulted in the death of two cows and the injury of another. The incident was investigated on February 10 and has been attributed to new wolves in the Catherine Creek Wildlife Management Unit.

In addition to the depredations, ODFW has provided a lethal removal update, stating:

“A male wolf was trapped and lethally removed on Feb. 4 on private land in Union County. The wolf was trapped by USDA Wildlife Services, which was acting as an agent at the producer’s request, in the same pasture where wolves had previously depredated calves.”