By Shannon Weidemann (McKone) on Tuesday, December 14th, 2021 in More Top Stories
LA GRANDE – The City of La Grande will be hosting an informational meeting with select city staff and the business community, to discuss concerns about activities in the downtown and Max Square area that have impacted, perceived and felt, safety within the community. The meeting will be focusing on steps that have been taken and what is being done to address these issues, what can be done, and the next steps. In addition to sharing information, city officials will be listening and gathering feedback and ideas.
Consider joining Chief of Police Gary Bell, Parks and Recreation Director Stu Spence, Economic Development Director Timothy Bishop, County Mental Health Director Aaron Grigg, and Robert Strope, La Grande City Manager.
The meeting has been scheduled at Brother Bear Café on Adams Avenue this evening, Tuesday, December 14 at 6:00 pm.