Ramp work should cease during Round-Up week

By on Thursday, August 11th, 2022 in Columbia Basin News More Top Stories

PENDLETON – The Oregon Department of Transportation is working on replacing ADA ramps on Emigrant and Frazer Avenues in Pendleton. Community Development Engineer Tim Simons says they’ve gotten ODOT’s word that they’ll limit the road work during the second full week of September.

“We’ve asked them not to have anything west of Southeast Third Street,” he said. “They’ve agreed to try to get everything buttoned up and, if it’s not done, they’d at least get it safe for passage so people can walk through there and not take up a bunch of parking with barrels and cones.”

Simons said the workers have plenty to do outside of that area.

“They do have a few ramps that are down on the east side of town, and they said they would try to work on those during the week of Round-Up,” he said. “ODOT allows them to work during the week of Round-Up. City contracts try to keep them out of town, if possible.”