Plaintiffs will appeal federal court ruling

By on Wednesday, July 19th, 2023 in Columbia Basin News More Top Stories

UMATILLA COUNTY – Sheriff Terry Rowan and other plaintiffs in the federal suit against Oregon’s Ballot Measure 114 will appeal the ruling that the gun control law is constitutional. That was the finding released by Judge Karin Immergut of federal court in Portland.

Rowan is confident that, as the plaintiffs in the federal suit follow the appeals path that leads to the Supreme Court, in a favorable verdict.

“The only challenge there is time,” he said. “You can’t just rush those type of cases through to the Supreme Court.”

The next step will be the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco. Meanwhile, there is a respite. The law which narrowly passed in November has been put on hold by a judge in Harney County. A group separate from the federal case is suing based on what it considers to be a violation of the Oregon Constitution. The trial is scheduled to begin in September.