On this date in 1964, The United States Congress designated the Strawberry Mountain Wilderness

By on Wednesday, September 4th, 2024 in Eastern/Southeast Oregon News More Top Stories

GRANT COUNTY – (Press Release from United States Forest Service)

On this date in 1964, The United States Congress designated the Strawberry Mountain Wilderness.

The area includes approximately 68,700 acres and encompasses the headwaters of Pine, Indian, Strawberry, Canyon, Bear, Lake, Wall, Roberts, and Big Creek. The area is dominated by the Strawberry Mountain Range with the highest point being Strawberry Mountain. This area has extremely diverse ecological makeup. Five of the seven major life zones in North America can be found here.

If you are patient, lucky, and observant, you may see many kinds of wildlife in the wilderness. The list includes: elk, deer, antelope, black bear, cougar, California bighorn sheep, ruffed and blue grouse, pileated woodpecker, sharp-shinned hawk, bald eagle, pine marten, mink, beaver, and many more birds, fur-bearing animals, and other creatures. In fact, 378 kinds of animals and 22 fish species can be found in the area