ODA reveals LUBGWMA plans

By on Friday, June 14th, 2024 in Columbia Basin News More Top Stories

SALEM – The Oregon Department of Agriculture is launching a first-of-its-kind groundwater strategic implementation area to improve water quality in the lower Umatilla Basin. A state monitoring specialist presented the details on the plan to the Morrow-Umatilla County Drinking Water Investigation Steering Committee late last week.

ODA will study agricultural practices in the central section of the Lower Umatilla Basin Groundwater Management Area in Morrow County to seek a better understanding as to how irrigation and nutrients are being managed. The goal is to make sure producers are utilizing best practices to limit leaching and protect the groundwater.

Nutrients are a critical component of sustainable farming practices. Water carries the nutrients into the crop’s root zone. Any nutrients that go below that mean money lost for a farmer and a potential leaching into the groundwater. Farmers collect soil and crop tissue samples to ensure the right amount of water and nutrients are applied and irrigation is adjusted to match the weather and crop needs.

According to a report from Water for Eastern Oregon (H2OEO), the agriculture department is partnering with the Morrow Soil and Water Conservation District and looking to collaborate with other community partners on technical assistance and funding opportunities.