Logging and two PCT contracts begin near Laycock Creek

By on Thursday, June 13th, 2024 in Eastern/Southeast Oregon News More Top Stories

JOHN DAY – Malheur National Forest Silviculturist Zane Murray was on KJDY’s Coffee Time Thursday to discuss the Laycock Creek Firewise Community hazardous fuels reduction project. Murray said folks should be aware that work has begun in the Laycock Creek area:

“We’ve been getting a lot of calls for the Laycock Creek area—the 49 Road in particular. Things are happening up there. That project was signed, I believe, in 2021. It is a Laycock Firewise Community project, and that involves logging and two PCT (Pre-Commercial Thinning) contracts. All of that work started all at once, it seems like. There was nothing happening for maybe a year-and-a-half, two years; then all of a sudden it happened overnight.”

Murray said Forest Road 4900 (49 Road) is closed to the public during the work week between 1 a.m. and 3 p.m., lasting through September.

Find information about the project and road closure in the stories linked at the bottom of the page.

Listen to the full podcast with Silviculturist Zane Murray, as well as Grant Soil Water Conservation District Manager Kyle Sullivan below: