Grant County Clerk: Last-minute considerations for voters

CANYON CITY – Tomorrow is Election Day in Oregon, and Grant County Clerk Laurie Cates said if you haven’t voted yet, you have until 8 p.m. on the 21st to get them in. Here locally, Cates said there are two drop boxes available to voters:

“So, we have two drop boxes. One is inside the courthouse, right outside the Clerk’s Office; and then there’s one in front of the Sheriff’s Department, next to the courthouse. That’s the 24-hour drop box. It’s a drive-up, people can drive right up to it, slip their ballot in there, and they’re good to go.”

She also mentioned that if you’re mailing your ballot, it must be postmarked no later than tomorrow:

“They need to be postmarked by Election Day. If you are dropping your ballot off [at the post office], make sure they are postmarked by the Postmaster, so we see that on that envelope.”

We’ll provide election results on our website, as well as the My Grant/Harney County and Elkhorn Media Group Facebook pages.

Listen to the full Coffee Time episode with County Clerk Laurie Cates below: