Fatal Ski Accident on Gunsight Peak

By on Monday, March 7th, 2022 in More Top Stories Northeastern Oregon News

HAINES, OR – At approximately 11:22 AM on the morning of March 5th, 2022, Union County 911 dispatch received a 911 call reporting a seriously injured skier who had lost control and crashed into trees high on the northwest slope of Gunsight Peak, an 8,342 foot peak located southeast of the Anthony Lakes Ski Area. Union and Baker County Sheriff's Office search and rescue (SAR) teams responded along with the La Grande and North Powder fire departments, U.S. Forest Service law enforcement, and Anthony Lakes Ski Patrol and mountain staff, due to proximity to the ski area.
After receiving the report and request for mutual aid from SAR, Ski Patrol and other Anthony Lakes staff immediately initiated a response from the resort to the base of the mountain and up the steep slope of Gunsight Peak. In addition to the responding ground resources, a Life Flight medivac helicopter was ordered, along with a hoist-capable medivac helicopter from the Oregon Army National Guard due to the steep terrain and reported severity of injuries.
About one hour and 20 minutes after the initial call was received, Ski Patrol and Anthony Lakes staff had managed to climb up the approximately 38 degree steep slope and reach the injured skier, Ella Carr, 20, a student at Whitman College in Walla Walla, WA. They assessed the situation, and then initiated transport down to the base of the peak where arriving La Grande Fire Department paramedics, Baker and Union County Sheriff’s Office SAR teams, USFS law enforcement, and additional Ski Patrol personnel had begun accessing the area.  Tracked UTVs and snowmobiles were used to reach the base of the peak, but the slope of the peak itself was accessible only by foot due to hazards and steepness of terrain. During this time, an OR Army National Guard helicopter was flying to the scene from Salem.
The team of Ski Patrol and Anthony Lakes staff navigated down the steep slope and met with incoming SAR and medical personnel, at which time it was confirmed by paramedics that Ms. Carr had succumbed to injuries sustained in the ski accident. Our sincere condolences go out to the family and friends of Ms. Carr, and we would like to express our gratitude to all of the responders to this incident for their cooperation and assistance.
North Powder Rural Fire Protection District City of La Grande Fire Department