County opens special filing period

WALLA WALLA – The Walla Walla County Elections Department will hold a special three-day filing period beginning tomorrow (Wednesday) at 9 a.m. and closing Friday at 4 p.m. The offices open are those for which no candidate filed during the regular candidate filing period earlier this month.

Candidates may electronically submit declarations at, or candidates may file in-person at the Elections Office, 315 W. Main St., Room 203, in Walla Walla.

The submitted information must be legible, timely and satisfy all legal requirements. Candidates are responsible for ensuring they meet all qualifications for that office.

If a fee is required, the electronic filing is not complete until the fee is received. The fee must be received by 4 p.m. on Friday. Credit card payments will be accepted through the online filing process. Filing Fees are not refundable.

There is no withdrawal period for declarations of candidacy filed during a special filing period.

For a complete list of offices open for filing which includes the position, the incumbent, the term of office, and the filing fee, visit