Ride-for-pay services need a permit

By on Thursday, January 13th, 2022 in Columbia Basin News More Top Stories

PENDLETON – An Uber driver found out the hard way that the city of Pendleton has a taxicab ordinance that presents rides-for-pay services from operating here. A $500 fine can be imposed for charging for rides without a permit.

“Uber and Lyft cars violate the city’s taxicab ordinance, which requires a process for approval for drivers as well as the hours that a taxi service can be in operation,” he said. “Anybody who is providing transportation for a fee is obligated to comply with that ordinance.”

He said that the ordinance was written, in part, to require such services to provide services at hours that might be less profitable, since Elite Taxi operates that way and the city operates ride services utilizing the taxi company.

Corbett said it’s the city’s job to enforce all ordinances, and it’s the city council’s decision whether the rules should be changed. Until that happens, it’s still possible for Uber and Lyft to operate if they meet the requirements of the ordinance.

“If they complied with the ordinance as it’s written, then Uber could be licensed to provide taxi services for the community,” he said.